- Title
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area
- Abstract
Wildfire perimeters for all fire from 1919-2024 clipped to the BuMo (Bulkley Morice) Study Area. Supplied through various sources. Wildfire perimeters for all fire seasons before the current year. Supplied through various sources. Not to be used for legal purposes. These perimeters may be updated periodically during the year. On April 1 of each year the previous year's fire perimeters are merged into this dataset. For more information, visit https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-wildfire-fire-perimeters-current and https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-wildfire-fire-perimeters-historical.
- License
- Not Specified
+ The original author did not specify a license.
- Publication Date
- Jan. 29, 2025, 5:41 p.m.
- Type
- Vector Data
- Keywords
- Category
- Land Use and Development
- information used for appropriate actions for future use of the land. Examples: land use maps, zoning maps, cadastral surveys, land ownership
- Regions
- British Columbia, Northwest BC, Skeena Watershed and Ocean Approaches, Skeena Estuary and Ocean Approaches, Skeena Watershed (Freshwater), Babine Lake Watershed, Babine River Watershed, Bulkley River Watershed, Upper Bulkley River Watershed, Kalum River Watershed, Kispiox River Watershed, Lakelse Watershed, Lower Skeena Watershed (West of Terrace), Middle Skeena Watershed (Sicintine Kuldo), Morice Watershed, Skeena Watershed Headwaters, Sustut River Watershed, Zymoetz River Watershed
- Approved
- Yes
- Published
- Yes
- Featured
- No
- None
- Attribution
- X
- Name
- Manuela Zindler (mzindler)
- Position
- None
- Organization
- None
- Location
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None
- Spatial Extent
- ---
- Projection System
- EPSG:3005
- Extension x0
- 868356.1799999998
- Extension x1
- 1112472.8440000007
- Extension y0
- 886602.0780000007
- Extension y1
- 1255614.8386000004
- Restrictions
Please refer to https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-wildfire-fire-perimeters-current and https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-wildfire-fire-perimeters-historical.
- Language
- English
- Temporal Extent
- Jan. 1, 1919, 9:45 a.m. - Dec. 31, 2024, 9:46 a.m.
- Data Quality
Please refer to https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-wildfire-fire-perimeters-current and https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-wildfire-fire-perimeters-historical.
- Supplemental Information
No information provided
- Name
- Manuela Zindler (mzindler)
- Position
- None
- Organization
- None
- Location
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None
- Link Online
- /layers/skeenamaps_docker_data:geonode:current_historical_fire_perim_BuMo
- Metadata Page
- /layers/skeenamaps_docker_data:geonode:current_historical_fire_perim_BuMo/metadata_detail
- Original Dataset
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.zip
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.jpg
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.pdf
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.png
- GML 2.0
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.gml
- GML 3.1.1
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.gml
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.csv
- Excel
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.excel
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.json
- Zipped Shapefile
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.zip
- Thumbnail
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.png
- Legend
- Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area.png
- OGC WMS: geonode Service
- Geoservice OGC:WMS
- OGC WFS: geonode Service
- Geoservice OGC:WFS
- Name
- Manuela Zindler (mzindler)
- Position
- None
- Organization
- None
- Location
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None