Fire Perimeters 1919-2024 BuMo Study Area
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Wildfire perimeters for all fire from 1919-2024 clipped to the BuMo (Bulkley Morice) Study Area. Supplied through various sources. Wildfire perimeters for all fire seasons before the current year. Supplied through various sources. Not to be used for legal purposes. These perimeters may be updated periodically during the year. On April 1 of each year the previous year's fire perimeters are merged into this dataset. For more information, visit https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-wildfire-fire-perimeters-current and https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-wildfire-fire-perimeters-historical.

Publication Date
Vector Data
Land Use and Development
information used for appropriate actions for future use of the land. Examples: land use maps, zoning maps, cadastral surveys, land ownership
British Columbia , Northwest BC , Skeena Watershed and Ocean Approaches , Skeena Estuary and Ocean Approaches , Skeena Watershed (Freshwater) , Babine Lake Watershed , Babine River Watershed , Bulkley River Watershed , Upper Bulkley River Watershed , Kalum River Watershed , Kispiox River Watershed , Lakelse Watershed , Lower Skeena Watershed (West of Terrace) , Middle Skeena Watershed (Sicintine Kuldo) , Morice Watershed , Skeena Watershed Headwaters , Sustut River Watershed , Zymoetz River Watershed
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Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

Attribute Name Label Description
fid Feature Identifier Unique feature identification number
FIRE_NO Composite of the following fields: Zone, Fire ID and Fire Centre
VERSION_NO Represents the unique versions of the collected data. As additional data is tracked for an incident, new data will be stored in the datastore for the same incident. A new record is added with an incremented version number
FIRE_YEAR Represents the fiscal year, April 1 to March 31
SIZE_HA Indicates the area within the outside perimeter of the incident, in hectares
SOURCE Identifies the method used to create the spatial data for load into the datastore
TRACK_DATE Represents the date the incident was initially tracked via GPS
LOAD_DATE Represents the date the incident was initially loaded into the datastore
FIRE_STAT Represent the date and time when the incident was reported
FCODE Contains an alphanumeric value based on the Canadian Council of Surveys and Mapping’s (CCSM) system for classification of geographic features, e.g., AR82000110
AREA_SQM Is the system calculated area of a two-dimensional polygon in square meters
FEAT_LEN Is the system calculated length or perimeter of a geometry in meters
SHAPE Is the column used to reference the spatial coordinates defining the feature
OBJECTID Is a column required by spatial layers that interact with ESRI ArcSDE. It is populated with unique values automatically by SDE
FIRE_CAUSE Describes the suspected cause of the fire, e.g., Lightning, Person
FIRELABEL Is the concatenation of Fire Number and Fire Year
FIRE_DATE Represent the date and time when the incident was reported
METHOD The Creation Method identifies the method used to collect the spatial data.

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