FWA Glaciers - Dec.2014
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Glaciers and ice masses for BC from the GeoBC Freshwater Atlas, clipped to Northwest BC. Glacier boundaries were created by intepreting air photos taken from the 1980's and 1990's. Full dataset available on DataBC. Published by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development - GeoBC. 


Publication Date
Vector Data
inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics. Examples: rivers and glaciers, salt lakes, water utilization plans, dams, currents, floods, water quality, hydrographic charts
Northwest BC
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Maintenance Frequency
Data Is Updated As Deemed Necessary
Data Quality

Sourced from DataBC. Automated, mathematical and statistical algorithms were applied against the TRIM I stream network and the TRIM I elevation surface model.

Supplemental Information

No information provided

Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data

Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

Attribute Name Label Description
WTRSHDGRPD WATERSHED_GROUP_ID An automatically generate id that uniquely identifies the watershed group feature.
WTRSHDK WATERSHED_KEY The watershed key of the controlling rout through the waterbody.
WTRBDPLD WATERBODY_POLY_ID The WATERBODY POLY ID is the unique key for the waterbody polygon spatial layer. It is not applied to the warehouse model only, i.e., it originates with the source FWA system.
GNIS_ID_1 GNIS_ID_1 A BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) feature id attached to a waterbody or island, if applicable. In a grouped system the feature id of the BCGNIS group is provided here and any subsequent names provided in gnis_id2 and gnis_id3. Note: For
GNIS_ID_2 GNIS_ID_2 A second BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) feature id attached to a waterbody or island, if applicable.
WTRBDK50K WATERBODY_KEY_50K The 'best' matched waterbody from the 1:50K Watershed Atlas. In cases where there are multiple matches to features in the 1:50K watershed atlas the match with the greatest overlapping area was used.
WTRBDKGRPC WATERBODY_KEY_GROUP_CODE_50K The waterbody key 50K with the group code 50K concatenated.
GNIS_ID_3 GNIS_ID_3 A third BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) feature id attached to a waterbody or island, if applicable.
WTRBDK WATERBODY_KEY A unique identifier associated with waterbodies in order to group polygons that make up a single waterbody.
WTRSHDGRPC WATERSHED_GROUP_CODE The watershed group codeof the watershed the feature is contained within.
WTRSHDCD50 WATERSHED_CODE_50K The 1:50K Watershed Atlas watershed code associated with the waterbody key 50K.
WTRBDTP WATERBODY_TYPE The type of waterbody. Possible values include: 'L' (lake), 'R' (double lined river), 'W' (wetland), 'X' (manmade river or lake), or 'G' (glacier or icefield).
GNSNM3 GNIS_NAME_3 The name of the third BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) feature id (an English name was used where available, otherwise another language was selected).
FTRCD FEATURE_CODE FEATURE CODE contains a value based on the Canadian Council of Surveys and Mapping's (CCSM) system for classification of geographic features.
LCLWTRSHDC LOCAL_WATERSHED_CODE The local watershed code associated with the waterbody.
GNSNM2 GNIS_NAME_2 The name of the second BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) feature id (an English name was used where available, otherwise another language was selected).
AREA_HA AREA_HA Area of polygon (hectares).
WTRSHDGRP1 WATERSHED_GROUP_CODE_50K The group code from the 1:50K Watershed Atlas associated with the waterbody key 50k.
FWWTRSHDCD FWA_WATERSHED_CODE The watershed code of the controlling route through the waterbody.
BLLNK BLUE_LINE_KEY The blue line key of the controlling route through the waterbody.
GNSNM1 GNIS_NAME_1 The name of the first BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) feature id (an English name was used where available, otherwise another language was selected).
LFTRGHTTRB LEFT_RIGHT_TRIBUTARY A value attributed via the watershed code to all waterbodies indicating on what side of the watershed they drain into.

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