WML 7 Babine River Watershed ECA Results Oct.2022
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Equivalent Clearcut Area (ECA) results for Watershed Management Level (WML) 7 sub-watersheds within the Babine River Watershed. Prepared by Eclipse Geomatics Ltd. in October 2022 for SkeenaWild Conservation Trust.

This work builds on the Level 1 Peak-Flow-Sensitivity (PFS) assessment work completed by Lake Babine Nation, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, Northern Habitat Solutions, and SKR Consultants Ltd. in 2020, which computed PFS scores and ECA risk categories for Watershed Management Areas (WMAs) at six Watershed Management Levels (WMLs) in the Babine River Watershed Atlas Group.


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Land Use and Development
information used for appropriate actions for future use of the land. Examples: land use maps, zoning maps, cadastral surveys, land ownership
Babine River Watershed
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There Are No Plans To Update The Data
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vector data is used to represent geographic data

Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

Attribute Name Label Description
fid Feature Identifier
FSW_WMA_NA Watershed Management Area Name Fisheries Sensitive Watershed WMA name from SKR (2020)
LAYER Layer Name Name of original kml spatial layer from from SKR (2020)
WML Watershed Management Level Corresponding WML from SKR (2020) as text with WML3-2 (WML3 with multiple WML2 mainstems) differentiated
FSW_MANAGE Watershed Management Level Corresponding WML from SKR (2020) as numeric
GNIS_NAME_ Gazetted Watershed Name Gazetted watershed name from BC Freshwater Atlas associated with WMA from SKR (2020)
WATERSHED_ Watershed Area Total area of WMA in square kilometers (calculated by EGIS)
ECA_AREA_K ECA Area Total area of ECA in square kilometers (calculated by EGIS)
ECA ECA Percentage ECA as a percentage of the MWA (i.e. 100*(ECA_AREA_KM2/ WATERSHED_AREA_KM2) (calculated by EGIS)
LOW_RISK_T Low Risk Threshold FSW_WMA_Percent_ECA_Trigger_to_Low_Risk derived by SKR (2020)
MOD_RISK_T Moderate Risk Threshold FSW_WMA_Percent_ECA_Trigger_to_Mod_Risk derived by SKR (2020)
HIGH_RISK_ High Risk Threshold FSW_WMA_Percent_ECA_Trigger_to_High_Risk derived by SKR (2020)
RISK Risk Rating Risk rating based on ECA result in comparison with risk triggers. Very low: < LOW_RISK_TRIGGER Low: ≥ LOW_RISK_TRIGGER & < MOD_RISK_TRIGGER Moderate: ≥ MOD_RISK_TRIGGER & < HIGH_RISK_TRIGGER

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