OGM Map 5: Remnant Old Ecosystems
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This map aligns with Map 5 of the BC Old Growth Technical Advisory Panel's Old Growth Maps (OGM) clipped to northwestern BC.

If an ecosystem has been heavily harvested and very little old growth remains, these remnant areas are, by definition, rare. The Panel mapped remnant old growth in ecosystems with less than 10% old growth remaining, in total and within a landscape unit. Remnant old patches are frequently small and fragmented. Remnant Old Ecosystems are also included in the Priority Deferral Map (Map 1).

Further details on the methodology and links to full datasets may be found at the Skeena Salmon Data Centre.

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flora and/or fauna in natural environment. Examples: wildlife, vegetation, biological sciences, ecology, wilderness, sealife, wetlands, habitat
British Columbia , Northwest BC , Skeena Watershed and Ocean Approaches , Skeena Estuary and Ocean Approaches , Skeena Watershed (Freshwater) , Babine Lake Watershed , Babine River Watershed , Bulkley River Watershed , Upper Bulkley River Watershed , Kalum River Watershed , Kispiox River Watershed , Lakelse Watershed , Lower Skeena Watershed (West of Terrace) , Middle Skeena Watershed (Sicintine Kuldo) , Morice Watershed , Skeena Watershed Headwaters , Sustut River Watershed , Zymoetz River Watershed
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