Bulkley Timber Supply Area (TSA)
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This layer displays the Bulkley Timber Supply Area (TSA). The spatial representation for a Timber Supply Area or TSA Supply Block: A Timber Supply Area is a designated area established by the Ministry in order to practice sound, integrated, resource management principles to improve the allowable annual cuts. TSAs were originally defined by an established pattern of wood flow from management units to the primary timber-using industries. They are the primary unit for allowable annual cut (AAC) determination. A TSA Supply Block is a designated area within the TSA where the Ministry approves the allowable annual cuts. For more information, visit https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/fadm-timber-supply-area-tsa.

Publication Date
Vector Data
Land Use and Development
information used for appropriate actions for future use of the land. Examples: land use maps, zoning maps, cadastral surveys, land ownership
British Columbia , Northwest BC , Skeena Watershed and Ocean Approaches , Skeena Estuary and Ocean Approaches , Skeena Watershed (Freshwater) , Babine Lake Watershed , Babine River Watershed , Bulkley River Watershed , Upper Bulkley River Watershed , Kalum River Watershed , Kispiox River Watershed , Lakelse Watershed , Lower Skeena Watershed (West of Terrace) , Middle Skeena Watershed (Sicintine Kuldo) , Morice Watershed , Skeena Watershed Headwaters , Sustut River Watershed , Zymoetz River Watershed
Gov BC
More info

Please refer https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/fadm-timber-supply-area-tsa for more details.

Data Quality

Please refer https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/fadm-timber-supply-area-tsa for more details.

Supplemental Information

No information provided

Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

Attribute Name Label Description
fid Feature Identifier Unique number identifying a feature
FEATURE_ID FEATURE_ID Provincially unique identifier for an instance of a spatial feature.
TSA_NUMBER TSA_NUMBER A Timber Supply Area (TSA) NUMBER is a unique number that identifies a area of the province created by the Ministry of Forests for the purpose of analysis, planning and management of the timber resources. (REF: Forest Inventory manual Vol1)
TSA_NUMB_1 TSA_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION The full description of the Timber Supply Area.
TSB_NUMBER TSB_NUMBER A Timber Supply Block (TSB) NUMBER is the unique character of a division of a Timber Supply Area.
TSB_NUMB_1 TSB_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION The long description of the code (TSB) suitable for display.
EFFECTIVE_ EFFECTIVE_DATE INCOSADA metadata indicating the date the observation was made. Particularly useful for data sources such as aerial photography.
RETIREMENT RETIREMENT_DATE INCOSADA metadata indicating when a feature was retired.
COMMENTS COMMENTS INCOSADA metadata user defined comment about the data.
FEATURE_CO FEATURE_CODE An alphanumeric code used to identify a feature component. All CCSM feature codes are generated according to the Canadian Council on Survey and Mapping (CCSM) Draft Standard on feature code classification.
WHO_UPDATE WHO_UPDATED The USERID of the individual who last updated the information.
WHEN_UPDAT WHEN_UPDATED The date and time of the last update.
FEATURE_CL FEATURE_CLASS_SKEY A FEATURE CLASS SKEY is the unique key assigned to a Feature Class by the Ministry of Forests where a Feature Class is used to define a class of geographic items having the same basic set of characteristics.
OBJECT_VER OBJECT_VERSION_SKEY An OBJECT VERSION SKEY is the unique identifer for the object instance.
OBJECTID OBJECTID OBJECTID is a required attribute of feature classes and object classes in a geodatabase.
FEATURE_AR FEATURE_AREA_SQM FEATURE_AREA_SQM is the system calculated area of a two-dimensional polygon in square meters.
FEATURE_LE FEATURE_LENGTH_M FEATURE_LENGTH_M is the system calculated length or perimeter of a geometry in meters.

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