Skeena Watershed Secondary Lake Inventory Locations - Dec.2019
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The primary purpose of the reconnaissance inventory of secondary lakes was to gather information on the presence or absence of fish in the lake, and to gather preliminary data on biophysical attributes of the lakes. These secondary lakes were included in a secondary level reconnaissance inventory of 34 lakes located in the northern portions of the Kalum, Kispiox, Bulkley and Morice Forest Districts. Metadata approximated from WSA water polygon features.

Publication Date
Vector Data
Fish Habitat
environmental resources, protection and conservation. Examples: environmental pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, monitoring environmental risk, nature reserves, landscape
Northwest BC
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To gather information on the presence or absence of the fish in the lake, and to gather preliminary data on biophysical attributes of the lakes.

Supplemental Information

Metadata approximated from WSA water polygon features. Additional information: https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/wsa-water-polygon-features-50-000.

Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

Attribute Name Label Description
Alias Alias An alias name for the unnamed lake.
Watershed Watershed_Code The watershed code of the controlling route through the waterbody.
Waterbody Waterbody_Key The waterbody key with the group code.
Lake_Name Lake_Name A name given to the secondary lake.
UTM_Eastin UTM_Easting The x coordinate with respect to the surface of the earth.
UTM_Northi UTM_Northing The y coordinate with respect to the surface of the earth.
Survey_Dat Survey_Date The date that the survey and sampling were conducted.
Project_Co Project_Code The project code associated to the study conducted on the secondary lake.
SSDC_URL SSDC_URL A link to the report of the survey on its secondary lake on the Skeena Salmon Data Centre.
Surface_Ar Surface_Area Surface area of the lake in hectares.
Elevation Elevation Elevation for which the lake is located.
Type Type Type of the lake indicating how large the lake is.
Maximum_De Maximum_Depth Maximum recorded depth of the lake.

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