Kalum LRMP: Landscape Units - Oct.2020
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Current Landscape units clipped to Kalum LRMP boundary. Full dataset available on DataBC. Published by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development - Resource Planning and Assessment.

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Vector Data
legal land descriptions. Examples: political and administrative boundaries
British Columbia , Northwest BC , Skeena Watershed and Ocean Approaches , Skeena Estuary and Ocean Approaches , Skeena Watershed (Freshwater) , Babine Lake Watershed , Babine River Watershed , Bulkley River Watershed , Upper Bulkley River Watershed , Kalum River Watershed , Kispiox River Watershed , Lakelse Watershed , Lower Skeena Watershed (West of Terrace) , Middle Skeena Watershed (Sicintine Kuldo) , Morice Watershed , Skeena Watershed Headwaters , Sustut River Watershed , Zymoetz River Watershed
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Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

Attribute Name Label Description
LU_ID LANDSCAPE_UNIT_ID LANDSCAPE UNIT ID. A unique, static user maintained identifier used for quality control and quality assurance reporting purposes.
LU_PROVID LANDSCAPE_UNIT_PROVID LANDSCAPE UNIT PROVID. The provincial identifier. Unique for any polygon (or collection of polygons for Landscape Units managed with distinct attribute values) that does not have a retirement date. Not unique for polygon features with multiple retirements
LU_NUMBER LANDSCAPE_UNIT_NUMBER LANDSCAPE UNIT NUMBER The regional identifier, like "C37", assigned to the unit
BEO BIODIVERSITY_EMPHASIS_OPTION BIODIVERSITY EMPHASIS OPTION A range of three options for emphasizing biodiversity at the landscape level - low, intermediate, and high. Each option is designed to provide a different level of natural biodiversity within a given area.
BEO_SUBTYP BEO_SUB_TYPE_APPLICABLE BEO SUB-TYPE APPLICABLE indicates whether internal BEO line work exists within an individual landscape unit (e.g., Y or N)
ORG_DEC_DT ORIGINAL_DECISION_DATE ORIGINAL DECISION DATE A non-mandatory date field to indicate the date the landscape unit polygon was formally agreed upon as official government policy (e.g. agreement reached at planning table, agreement within government decision-makers etc)
LST_AMD_DT LAST_AMENDMENT_DATE LAST AMENDMENT DATE A non-mandatory date field to indicate the date the landscape unit polygon was last formally amended (e.g. formalized landscape unit plan review, planning table reaching agreement to change policy etc.)
GIS_CH_DT GIS_CHANGE_DATEGIS_CHANGE_DATE GIS CHANGE DATE: A mandatory date field to indicate the date the landscape unit polygon was updated by the GIS Change Person
GIS_CH_PER GIS_CHANGE_PERSON GIS CHANGE PERSON: A mandatory text field to indicate the technical GIS person who physically made a change to a landscape unit polygon. This GIS task is typically resulting from direction received from the business area "Initiator of Change".
CHG_REASON CHANGE_REASON CHANGE REASON A text field to indicate the business reason for initiating a change in a landscape unit polygon
INITIATOR INITIATOR_OF_CHANGE ENABLININITIATOR OF CHANGG DOCUMENT TITLE is the title of the legal order that enabled the strategic land or resource use plan or specific objective to come into legal force, or other document which confirms the plan or objective as policy of government.
ENBLNG_DCE ENABLING_DOCUMENT_TITLE ENABLING DOCUMENT URL is the link for the document which enabled the legal or policy land or resource objective to come into force. Documents are stored in a variety of file formats and may be large files as many contain maps.
ENBLNG_DCL ENABLING_DOCUMENT_URL FEATURE CODE contains a value based on the Canadian Council of Surveys and Mapping's (CCSM) system for classification of geographic features.
F_CODE FEATURE_CODE FEATURE_AREA_SQM is the system calculated area of a two-dimensional polygon in square meters
AREA_SQM FEATURE_AREA_SQM FEATURE_LENGTH_M is the system calculated length or perimeter of a geometry in meters
FEAT_LEN FEATURE_LENGTH_M GEOMETRY is the column used to reference the spatial coordinates defining the feature.
OBJECTID OBJECTID OBJECTID is a column required by spatial layers that interact with ESRI ArcSDE. it is populated with unique values automatically by SDE.

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