Kathyn Lake Watershed Boundary - Feb.2020
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This layer displays the Kathlyn Lake watershed boundary from the Freshwater Atlas (FWA) Assessment Watersheds dataset. Additional information available on DataBC. Published by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development - GeoBC

Publication Date
Vector Data
legal land descriptions. Examples: political and administrative boundaries
British Columbia , Northwest BC , Skeena Watershed and Ocean Approaches , Skeena Watershed (Freshwater) , Bulkley River Watershed
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Maintenance Frequency
Data Is Updated As Deemed Necessary
Supplemental Information

No information provided

Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data

Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

Attribute Name Label Description
WTRSHD_FID WATERSHED_FEATURE_ID A unique identifier for each watershed in the layer.
WTRSHD_GRI WATERSHED_GROUP_ID An automatically generate id that uniquely identifies the watershed group feature.
WTRSHD_TY WATERSHED_TYPE The type of watershed. This has yet to be determined for FWA version 2.0.0, but possible values may include: 'R' - real watershed, 'F' - face unit watershed, 'W' - waterbody watershed, etc.
GNIS_ID_1 GNIS_ID_1 The first BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) feature id associated with the watershed key of the principal watershed.
GNIS_NM_1 GNIS_NAME_1 The first BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) name associated with the watershed key of the principal watershed.
GNIS_ID_2 GNIS_ID_2 The second BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) feature id associated with the watershed key of the principal watershed.
GNIS_NM_2 GNIS_NAME_2 The second BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) name associated with the watershed key of the principal watershed.
GNIS_ID_3 GNIS_ID_3 The third BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) feature id associated with the watershed key of the principal watershed.
GNIS_NM_3 GNIS_NAME_3 The third BCGNIS (BC Geographical Names Information System) name associated with the watershed key of the principal watershed.
WTRBD_ID WATERBODY_ID If the principal watershed is made up of a lake or river, this field will contain the waterbody id associated with that waterbody, otherwise it will be null.
WTRBD_KEY WATERBODY_KEY If the principal watershed is made up of a lake or river, this field will contain the waterbody key associated with that waterbody, otherwise it will be null.
WTRSHD_KEY WATERSHED_KEY The watershed key associated with the watershed polygon (and watershed code).
WTRSHD_CD FWA_WATERSHED_CODE The 143 character watershed code associated with the watershed polygon.
L_WTRSHD_C LOCAL_WATERSHED_CODE A 143 character code similar to the fwa watershed code that further subdivides remnant polygons to provide an approximate location along the mainstem.
WTRSHD_GRC WATERSHED_GROUP_CODE The watershed group code associated with the polygon.
LFT_RGHT_T LEFT_RIGHT_TRIBUTARY A value attributed via the watershed code to all watersheds indicating on what side of the watershed they drain into.
WTRSHD_OR WATERSHED_ORDER The maximum order of the watershed key associated with the principal watershed polygon.
WTRSHD_MAG WATERSHED_MAGNITUDE The maximum magnitude of the watershed key associated with the principal watershed.
L_WTRSHD_O LOCAL_WATERSHED_ORDER The order associated with the local watershed code.
L_WTRSHD_M LOCAL_WATERSHED_MAGNITUDE The magnitude associated with the local watershed code.
AREA_HA AREA_HA Area of the watershed, in hectares.
F_CODE FEATURE_CODE FEATURE CODE contains a value based on the Canadian Council of Surveys and Mapping's (CCSM) system for classification of geographic features.
FEAT_AREA FEATURE_AREA_SQM FEATURE_AREA_SQM is the system calculated area of a two-dimensional polygon in square meters
FEAT_LEN FEATURE_LENGTH_M FEATURE_LENGTH_M is the system calculated length or perimeter of a geometry in meters

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