Water Rights Licenses - Aug.2019
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+ The original author did not specify a license.


This layer displays water rights licence data administrated under the Water Sustainability Act. Additional information available on DataBC. Published by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development - Water Management.

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inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics. Examples: rivers and glaciers, salt lakes, water utilization plans, dams, currents, floods, water quality, hydrographic charts
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Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

Attribute Name Label Description
WLS_WRL_SD WLS_WRL_SYSID WLS WRL SYSID is a system generated unique identification number.
POD_NUMBER POD_NUMBER POD NUMBER is the unique identifier for a Point of Diversion, e.g., PW189413. Each POD can have multiple licences associated with it.
PODSUBTYPE POD_SUBTYPE Distinguishes the different POD types, i.e., POD (a surface water point of diversion), PWD (a point of well diversion that diverts groundwater), or PG (a point of groundwater diversion that diverts groundwater such as a dugout, ditch or quarry
PODDIVTYPE POD_DIVERSION_TYPE The type of diversion for a point of groundwater diversion (PG subtype), i.e., Dugout, Ditch, Quarry.
POD_STATUS POD_STATUS The status of the Point of Diversion. Each POD can have multiple licences, e.g., Active (one or more active licences associated), Inactive (only historical inactive licences associated).
FL_NMBR FILE_NUMBER The water business file number, assigned during the application phase, e.g., 0321048. A file may hold one or more licences.
WLL_TG_NMR WELL_TAG_NUMBER WELL TAG NUMBER is a unique well identifier for either registered or licensed wells, e.g., 12345.
LCNC_NMBR LICENCE_NUMBER LICENCE NUMBER is the authorization number referenced in the water licence document, e.g., 121173.
LCNC_STTS LICENCE_STATUS LICENCE STATUS represents the existing status of licence, e.g., Current, Cancelled, Pending.
LCNC_STTSE LICENCE_STATUS_DATE LICENCE STATUS DATE indicates the last time the licence status changed.
PRRTY_DTE PRIORITY_DATE The date from which the precedence of the licence is established within the first in time first in right framework.
EXP_DATE EXPIRY_DATE EXPIRY DATE is the date the licence expires.
PRPS_S_CD PURPOSE_USE_CODE PURPOSE USE CODE is the use of water authorized by the licence, identified as a code, e.g., 02I.
PRPS_SE PURPOSE_USE PURPOSE USE is the use of water authorized by the licence, e.g. Industrial.
SOURCE_NM SOURCE_NAME The aquifer or body of surface water from which the licence is authorized to extract water. A surface water body can be a lake, river, creek or any other surface water source e.g., Skaha Lake or Kokanee Creek.
RDVRSN_ND REDIVERSION_IND REDIVERSION IND is an indicator of whether the Point of Well Diversion is, for the particular licence, used to divert water from another water source, i.e., Y or N.
QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY is the maximum quantity of water that is authorized to be diverted for the purpose use, e.g., 500.
QNTTY_NTS QUANTITY_UNITS QUANTITY UNITS is the units of measurement for the quantity of water authorized in the licence, e.g., m3 / year.
QNTTY_FLG QUANTITY_FLAG The code used to identify how the total quantity is assigned across multiple Points of Well Diversion (PWD) for a particular licence and purpose use, i.e., T, M, D, or P.
QNTTY_FLGN QUANTITY_FLAG_DESCRIPTION A description of the QUANTITY FLAG code used to identify how the total quantity is assigned across multiple Points of Well Diversion (PWD) for a particular licence and purpose use.
QTY_DVRSNE QTY_DIVERSION_MAX_RATE The maximum authorized diversion rate of water within a second, minute or day up to the total licensed quantity per year, e.g, 0.006, 2000.
QTY_NTS_DE QTY_UNITS_DIVERSION_MAX_RATE The units of measurement for the maximum diversion rate of water authorized in the licence, e.g., m3/second, m3/minute, m3/day, m3/year.
HYDRLC_CNY HYDRAULIC_CONNECTIVITY An indicator of whether the licensed aquifer diversion (PWD or PG) may be hydraulically connected to one or more surface water sources (stream or lake).
PRMT_VR_CR PERMIT_OVER_CROWN_LAND_NUMBER An Internal number assigned to a Permit over Crown Land (PCL), e.g., 12345.
PRMRY_LCNM PRIMARY_LICENSEE_NAME The primary contact for the licence, co-licensees will be displayed as et al.
ADDRSS_LN1 ADDRESS_LINE_1 ADDRESS LINE 1 is the first line of the licensee's mailing address.
ADDRSS_LN2 ADDRESS_LINE_2 ADDRESS LINE 2 is the second line of the licensee's mailing address.
ADDRSS_LN3 ADDRESS_LINE_3 ADDRESS LINE 3 is the third line of the licensee's mailing address.
ADDRSS_LN4 ADDRESS_LINE_4 ADDRESS LINE 4 is the fourth line of the licensee's mailing address.
COUNTRY COUNTRY COUNTRY is the licensee's country.
POSTAL_CD POSTAL_CODE POSTAL CODE is the licensee's postal code.
LATITUDE LATITUDE The geographic coordinate, in decimal degrees (dd.dddddd), of the location of the feature as measured from the equator, e.g., 55.323653.
LONGITUDE LONGITUDE The geographic coordinate, in decimal degrees (-ddd.dddddd), of the location of the feature as measured from the prime meridian, e.g., -123.093544.
DSTRCT_PRM DISTRICT_PRECINCT_NAME A jurisdictional area within a Water District. It is a combination of District and Precinct codes and names.
SHAPE SHAPE The column used to reference the spatial coordinates defining the feature.
OBJECTID OBJECTID A column required by spatial layers that interact with ESRI ArcSDE. It is populated with unique values automatically by SDE.

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