Upper Bulkley River Watershed Monitoring Stations - May.2022
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This dataset comprises the locations of water temperature information collected from 15 hydrometric stations in the Upper Bulkley River watershed since 2016. Additional information and raw data files are available on the Skeena Salmon Data Centre.

Publication Date
Vector Data
inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics. Examples: rivers and glaciers, salt lakes, water utilization plans, dams, currents, floods, water quality, hydrographic charts
British Columbia , Northwest BC , Skeena Watershed and Ocean Approaches , Skeena Estuary and Ocean Approaches , Skeena Watershed (Freshwater) , Babine Lake Watershed , Babine River Watershed , Bulkley River Watershed , Upper Bulkley River Watershed , Kalum River Watershed , Kispiox River Watershed , Lakelse Watershed , Lower Skeena Watershed (West of Terrace) , Middle Skeena Watershed (Sicintine Kuldo) , Morice Watershed , Skeena Watershed Headwaters , Sustut River Watershed , Zymoetz River Watershed
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Data Is Updated As Deemed Necessary
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No information provided

Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

Attribute Name Label Description
STATION_NA Station Name Name of monitoring station
ORGANIZATI Organization Organization responsible for monitoring station
TYPE_OF_MO Type of monitoring Type of information being collected at the monitoring station (e.g. temperature, water quality, streamflow)
Aspect Aspect Monitoring station aspect (direction)
Elev_m Elevation (m) Monitoring station elevation (meters above sea level)
SSDC_URL SSDC URL URL for dataset housed by the Skeena Salmon Data Centre (http://data.skeenasalmon.info/)
EASTING Easting UTM Zone 9N, Easting in metres
NORTHING Northing UTM Zone 9N Northing in metres
LATITUDE Latitude Latitude in degrees WGS 84
LONGITUDE Longitude Longitude in degrees WGS 84
Key Key Numbering system for map display
Alias Alias Shortened station name
fid fid

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