Upper Bulkley River Subwatersheds - Jul.2018
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Subwatersheds of the Upper Bulkley River watershed upstream of the confluence of the Bulkley and Morice rivers. Bulkley River face units BR1 to BR9 are an aggregation of smaller first and second order creeks flowing directly into the Bulkley River not included in any of the named watersheds. Published by Eclipse Geomatics Ltd. July 31, 2018.

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Vector Data
legal land descriptions. Examples: political and administrative boundaries
Upper Bulkley River Watershed
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Subwatershed boundaries are based on the BC Freshwater Atlas Assessment watershed boundaries with the exceptions of the Bulkley River Units BR1 to BR9 which are an aggregation of smaller first and second order creeks that run directly into the Bulkley River and are not included in any of the named watersheds. The delineation of the Bulkley River Units do not necessarily follow the Freshwater Assessment Watershed Boundaries. Subwatershed areas were calculated directly from their respective boundaries.

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Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data

Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

Attribute Name Label Description
GROUP_NAME WATERSHED_NAME Name of subwatershed or Bulkley River Unit (BR1 through BR9)
AREA_KM2 AREA_KM2 Area of subwatershed in square kilometers

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